Saturday, December 21, 2013

Bermuda Triangle Map Live Satellite Images in Google Earth

Bermuda Triangle Google Map, Bermuda Triangle Google Earth Location, Bermuda Triangle Google Earth Coordinates, Bermuda Triangle Coordinates Google Maps, Google Earth Live Bermuda Triangle,

Dear Viewers! This is the Bermuda Triangle Map Live from Google Earth Sattelite Map. You can Zoom in and Zoom out this Map to view the Atlantic Ocean. You can also check here Bermuda Triangle Weather Condition by Check Marking on Weather.
Watch and Enjoy Google Earth Live!

Bermuda Triangle Map Live Satellite Images in Google Earth

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Bermuda Triangle Mystery in Hindi Language

Bermuda Triangle Mystery in Hindi | बरमूडा त्रिकोण रहस्यमयी सच 
अथाह समुद्र और ऊँचे आसमान में अजीबो-गरीब घटनाक्रम की बातें पहले भी सुनने में आई हैं, लेकिन अटलांटिक महासागर का एक हिस्सा ऐसा है, जिसकी गुत्थी आज तक कोई नहीं सुलझा सका है। पूर्वी-पश्चिम अटलांटिक महासागर में बरमूडा त्रिकोण (Bermuda Triangle) है। यह भुतहा त्रिकोण बरमूडा, मयामी, फ्लोरिडा और सेन जुआनस से मिलकर बनता है।
Bermuda Triangle Mystery in Hindi, Mystery of Bermuda Triangle in Hindi, Bermuda Triangle in Hindi,
Bermuda Tirkon Mystery in Hindi
इस इलाके में आज तक अनगिनत समुद्री और हवाई जहाज आश्चर्यजनक रूप से गायब हो गए हैं और लाख कोशिशों के बाद भी उनका पता नहीं लगाया जा सका है। कुछ लोग इसे किसी परालौकिक ताकत की करामात मानते हैं, तो कुछ को यह सामान्य घटनाक्रम लग रहा है। यह विषय कितना रोचक है, इसका अंदाजा इसी से लगाया जा सकता है कि इस पर कई किताबें और लेख लिखे जाने के साथ ही फिल्में भी बन चुकी हैं।

सदियों से चर्चा का विषय रहे इस त्रिकोण के क्षेत्रफल को लेकर भी तरह-तरह की बातें कही और लिखी गई हैं। इस मसले पर शोध कर चुके कुछ लेखकों ने इसकी परिधि फ्लोरिडा, बहमास, सम्पूर्ण केरेबियन द्वीप तथा महासागर के उत्तरी हिस्से के रूप में बाँधी है। कुछ ने इसे मैक्सिको की खाड़ी तक बढ़ाया है। शोध करने वालों में इसके क्षेत्रफल को लेकर सर्वाधिक चर्चा हुई है।

इस क्षेत्र में हवाई और समुद्री यातायात भी बहुतायत में रहता है। क्षेत्र की गणना दुनिया की व्यस्ततम समुद्री यातायात वाले जलमार्ग के रूप में की जाती है। यहाँ से अमेरिका, यूरोप और केरेबियन द्वीपों के लिए रोजाना कई जहाज निकलते हैं। यही नहीं, फ्लोरिडा, केरेबियन द्वीपों और दक्षिण अमेरिका की तरफ जाने वाले हवाई जहाज भी यहीं से गुजरते हैं। यही कारण है कि कुछ लोग यह मानने को तैयार नहीं हैं कि इतने यातायात के बावजूद कोई जहाज अचानक से गायब हो जाए। ऐसे में कोई दुर्घटना होती है तो किसी को पता चल ही जाता है।

विमान चालकों को यह कहते सुना गया था कि हमें नहीं पता हम कहाँ हैं। पानी हरा है और कुछ भी सही होता नजर नहीं आ रहा है। जलसेना के अधिकारियों के हवाले से लिखा गया था कि विमान किसी दूसरे ग्रह पर चले गए।

मशहूर अन्वेषक क्रिस्टोफर कोलंबस पहले लेखक थे, जिन्होंने यहाँ के अजीबो-गरीब घटनाक्रम के बारे में लिखा था। बकौल क्रिस्टोफर- उन्होंने और उनके साथियों ने आसमान में बिजली का अनोखा करतब देखा। उन्हें आग की कुछ लपटें भी दिखाई दीं। इसके बाद समुद्री यात्रा पर निकले दूसरे लेखकों ने अपने लेखों में इस तरह के घटनाक्रम का उल्लेख किया। 

16 सितंबर 1950 को पहली बार इस बारे में अखबार में लेख भी छपा था। दो साल बाद फैट पत्रिका ने सी मिस्ट्री एट अवर बैक डोरशीर्षक से जार्ज एक्स. सेंड का एक संक्षिप्त लेख भी प्रकाशित किया था। इस लेख में कई हवाई तथा समुद्री जहाजों समेत अमेरिकी जलसेना के पाँच टीबीएम बमवर्षक विमानों फ्लाइट 19’ के लापता होने का जिक्र किया गया था। 

फ्लाइट 19 के गायब होने का घटनाक्रम काफी गंभीरता से लिया गया था। इसी सिलसिले में अप्रैल 1962 में एक पत्रिका में प्रकाशित किया गया था कि विमान चालकों को यह कहते सुना गया था कि हमें नहीं पता हम कहाँ हैं। पानी हरा है और कुछ भी सही होता नजर नहीं आ रहा है।
Flight 19 Mystery in Hindi, Flight 19 Mystery,
Bermuda Triangle Flight 19 Mystery
जलसेना के अधिकारियों के हवाले से लिखा गया था कि विमान किसी दूसरे ग्रह पर चले गए। यह पहला लेख था, जिसमें विमानों के गायब होने के पीछे किसी परालौकिक शक्ति का हाथ बताया गया था। इसी बात को विंसेंट गाडिस, जान वालेस स्पेंसर, चार्ल्स बर्लिट्ज़, रिचर्ड विनर, और अन्य ने अपने लेखों के माध्यम से आगे बढ़ाया।

इस मामले में एरिजोना स्टेट विश्वविद्यालय के शोध लाइब्रेरियन और द बरमूडा ट्रायंगल मिस्ट्रीः साल्व्डके लेखक लारेंस डेविड कुशे ने काफी शोध किया तथा उनका नतीजा बाकी लेखकों के अलग था। उन्होंने प्रत्यक्षदर्शियों के हवाले से विमानों के गायब होने की बात को गलत करार दिया। कुशे ने लिखा कि विमान प्राकृतिक आपदाओं के चलते दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हुए। इस बात को बाकी लेखकों ने नजरअंदाज कर दिया था। 

ऑस्ट्रेलिया में किए गए शोध से पता चला है कि इस समुद्री क्षेत्र के बड़े हिस्से में मिथेन हाईड्राइड की बहुलता है। इससे उठने वाले बुलबुले भी किसी जहाज के अचानक डूबने का कारण बन सकते हैं। इस सिलसिले में अमेरिकी भौगोलिक सर्वेक्षण विभाग (यूएसजीएस) ने एक श्वेतपत्र भी जारी किया था। यह बात और है कि यूएसजीएस की वेबसाइट पर यह रहस्योद्‍घाटन किया गया है कि बीते 15000 सालों में समुद्री जल में से गैस के बुलबुले निकलने के प्रमाण नहीं मिले हैं। इसके अलावा अत्यधिक चुंबकीय क्षेत्र होने के कारण जहाजों में लगे उपकरण यहाँ काम करना बंद कर देते हैं। इससे जहाज रास्ता भटक जाते हैं और दुर्घटना का शिकार हो जाते हैं। 

बहरहाल, तमाम शोध और जाँच-पड़ताल के बाद भी इस नतीजे पर नहीं पहुँचा जा सका है कि आखिर गायब हुए जहाजों का पता क्यों नहीं लग पाया...उन्हें आसमान निगल गया या समुद्र लील गया...दुर्घटना की स्थिति में भी मलबा तो मिलता...ये प्रश्न अनुत्तरित हैं।

अबतक कौन-कौन से जहाज हुए लापता
Popular Disappearances, Missing Planes and Ships, Famous Disappearances, Bermuda Triangle Disappearances
Planes and Ships Disappearances in Bermuda Triangle
  • 1872 में जहाज 'द मैरी' बरमूडा त्रिकोण में लापता हुआ, जिसका आजतक कुछ पता नहीं।
  • 1945 में नेवी के पांच हवाई जहाज बरमूडा त्रिकोण में समा गये। ये जहाज फ्लाइट-19 के थे।
  • 1947 में सेना का सी-45 सुपरफोर्ट जहाज बरमूडा त्रिकोण के ऊपर रहस्यमयी तरीके से गायब हो गया।
  • 1948 में जहाज ट्यूडोर त्रिकोण में खो गया। इसका भी कुछ पता नहीं।
  • 1950 में अमेरिकी जहाज एसएस सैंड्रा यहां से गुजरा, लेकिन कहां गया कुछ पता नहीं।
  • 1952 में ब्रिटिश जहाज अटलांटिक में विलीन हो गया। 33 लोग मारे गये, किसी के शव तक नहीं मिले।
  • 1962 में अमेरिकी सेना का केबी-50 टैंकर प्लेन बरमूडा त्रिकोण के ऊपर से गुजरते वक्त अचानक लापता हुआ।
  • 1972 में जर्मनी का एक जहाज त्रिकोण में घुसते ही डूब गया। इस जहाज का भार 20 हजार टन था।
  • 1997 में जर्मनी का विमान बरमूडा त्रिकोण में घुसते ही कहां गया, कुछ पता नहीं।

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bruce Gernon - Survivor of the Bermuda Triangle

Bruce Gernon, Survivor of Bermuda Triangle, The Fog Bruce Gernon

Bruce Gernon is the Survivor of the Bermuda Triangle. He is one lucky man who has survived the experiences from the Bermuda Triangle. He has experienced the time wrap theory of the Bermuda Triangle and has lived to tell his story on survival. Bruce Gernon is only one person in the world to witness what mystery is behind the Bermuda Triangle and what the Triangle creates to make things disappear. Many others have also seen parts of this phenomenon of mystery and disappearance and some have seen it completely, just like Bruce. Gernon see this from its birth stage through its mature stage and enter the heart of the Timestorm and escape through a Tunnel Vortex and experience a time warp of 30 minutes forward in time and 100 miles forward in space.

It has become a permanent part of my memory, since I have been memorizing it for over 30 years.
Bruce Gernon
Electric Fog, Bermuda Triangle, The Fog, Bruce Gernon, Survivor,

Bruce Gernon Electronic Fog Theory:
Bruce Gernon claims he flew a Beech Bonanza from Andros Airport, Bahamas, to Palm Beach, Florida - 250 miles - in 47 minutes. Bruce and his daughter Rob McGregor was in this flight. It is only after 31 years of his complete research on the triangle did Bruce Gernon discover how he had flown those 100 miles in such a short time and never seen the Earth or sky around him. He claims it's because of something called 'electronic fog.' It is said that Bruce was captured by the electronic fog where in which there have been dozens of planes and boats too which went missing in this fog throughout history.

He believes that a rare natural phenomenon may be behind paranormal happenings in the Triangle. Experts say that the Bruce Gernon Story of Electronic Fog also explores the Bermuda Triangle's connection to UFO's, a secret navy base and a possible link to a vanished ancient civilization. The Bermuda triangle has claimed over a thousand people during the twentieths century itself. But, Bruce Gernon has left Bruce alive, so that he can tell us the real mysteries behind the Bermuda Triangle.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Bermuda Triangle History and Mystery in Urdu

Bermuda Triangle History and Mystery in Urdu

Barmuda Triangle, Bermuda Triangle, in Urdu, History in Urdu, Mystery in Urdu, Bermuda Triangle in Urdu

Bermuda Triangle Avenger, Barmuda Triangle in Urdu, Bermuda Triangle in Urdu, Disappearances in urdu

What is the Bermuda Triangle Mystery in Urdu
Bermuda Triangle Mystery in Urdu, Atlantis in Urdu, Bermuda Triangle Compass Theory, Compass Facts, Bermuda Ufo and Aliens in Urdu

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bermuda Triangle Reality and Relation with Christ and Dajjal in Urdu

Bermuda Triangle Reality and Relation with Christ and Dajjal


Some Theories to Solve the Bermuda Triangle Mystery

Missing Planes incidents

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Bermuda Triangle and Dajjal (Anti-Christ) | Bermuda Tikon aur Dajjal | Bermuda Triangle Book in Urdu by Maulana Asim Umar

Bermuda Tikon aur Dajjal Pdf Book in Urdu by Maulana Asim Umar

The book "Bermuda Tikon Aur Dajjal" is an Islamic book on the topic of Dajjal (Anti-Christ) written by Mr. Maulana Asim Umar in Urdu language. The book "Bermuda Tikon Aur Dajjal" means "The Bermuda Triangle and Dajjal (the Anti-Christ). Maulana explains bermuda triangle in urdu with lot of details and references. The Bermuda Triangle is actually an ocean area of Atlantic North Sea where many unusual incidents of Planes, Ships, and Aircrafts and vessels disappearances have been occurred. Many people think that there is an unknown force behind these incidents. Since the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) told us that the Iblees's (Shaitan's or Devil's) throne is over the sea. Maulana Asim Umar also suspects that the Dajjal (Anti Christ) may be there i.e inside the Bermuda triangle
Bermuda Triangle Book, Famous Book about Bermuda Triangle, Free Pfd Download, Book Pdf Download, Book Online, Maulana Asim Umar Books, Bermuda Tikon aur Dajjal, Bermuda Triangle and Dajjal (Anti-Christ),

Maulana has collected the Hadith (Hadees) about Dajjal and his base as Muslims believe that the Anti Christ is cuffed in an unknown island which means that the Anti Christ will be emerged not born. Maulana Asim Umar also narrated about the secret forces of Dajjal working for him. He has also described about the UFO's. In the said book Maulana also pointed out another devil sea like the Bermuda triangle called as Dragon Sea. Dragon Sea is near Philippines and Japan where also some strange accidents have been occurred. You must read this book and should be aware of Bermuda Triangle full History, Bermuda Triangle Mystery, Reason behind the Bermuda Triangle Disappearances, the relation of Bermuda Triangle with Dajjal and the plans of the unknown secret forces working for Dajjal (Anti-Christ).

Bermuda triangle in Urdu Book

Bermuda Triangle Underwater Pictures Latest

The Bermuda Triangle is a mysterious place which has been announced as devil’s triangle and where we have learned stories that ships and planes have been disappeared many times in history. Dozens of ships, planes and people have disappeared with no good explanation. See exclusive photoshots of Bermuda Triangle pictures and images for whom you looking for. Underwater pictures of Missing Planes and Ships.

Bermuda Triangle, Underwater Pictures, Lost Ship Pictures, Seabed Pictures, Missing Ship

Diver underwater in the Bermuda Triangle
Bermuda Triangle, Underwater Pictures, Bermuda Divers, Sunken Ship in Bermuda Triangle

Sunken Ship Bermuda Triangle Underwater Picture
Underwater Huge Ship, Bermuda Triangle Underwater, Bermuda Ships Found,

Bermuda Divers found Missing Plane Part Underwater
Bermuda Triangle Divers, Divers Underwater,

Divers Research Team found Bimini Road or Atlantis Stones Road
Underwater Bermuda Triangle
Bimini Road, Bermuda Triangle Underwater Pictures, Bimini road in the Bermuda Triangle, Bimini Road Pictures,

Underwater Pictures of Missing Planes & Ships and Bimini Road Made by Atlantis

Friday, November 1, 2013

Crystal Pyramids Discovered in the Depth of Bermuda Triangle Underwater

Underwater Pyramids, Bermuda Triangle Pyramids, Pyramids Found Hoax, Crystal Pyramids, Giant Pyramids, Glass Pyramids,
Bermuda Triangle has many secrets behind its mysterious disappearances. Many claims to the solve the mystery behind the sunken ships. Everyone has his own theory about the Triangle. But Experts and Scientists think they may have uncovered the significant clue 2000 meters below the ocean surface. In 2012, American and French research teams conducting surveys inside the Bermuda triangle stumbled upon an underground structure rising from the seabed, "a crystal like pyramid".
Hoax, Crystal Pyramids, Giant Pyramids, Glass Pyramids, Underwater Pyramids,
Its origin, age and purpose completely unknown. This structure is now been independently verified by both countries research teams. The partially translucent smooth structure had 300 meters wide and 200 meters tall measures larger than the well known pyramids of the Egypt. On top of the pyramid two very large holes moving sea water fluid high speeds. They can cause massive search waves and myst on the sea surface. Could the strange energy source have an effect on passing boats and planes? Could this be the reason behind the triangle mystic.
Watch Video

Bermuda Triangle Sky View - Sky Pictures

Space View of Bermuda Triangle
Bermuda Triangle Space View, Bermuda Triangle Sky View, Sky Pictures,

Bermuda Triangle covers with clouds - you may said fog
Bermuda Weather, Bermuda Triangle

View of Bahamas

Bermuda Triangle Satellite View - Space Pictures by Nasa

Ships and aircraft could be lost suddenly in the Bermuda Triangle region was due to anomalous compass which can disrupt navigation systems. About the existence of this anomaly ever recorded by Columbus in the voyage.

NASA explained, that the significant factor causing the loss of ships in the Bermuda Triangle is a strong ocean currents, called the Gulf Stream.

The storm that came suddenly that's what causes the naval vessel lost in the Bahamas, Saratoga. The ship and crew disappeared without a trace, on March 18, 1781. Also explained that not only in the Bermuda Triangle, many of the ships the U.S. Navy have been lost at sea because of storms around the world - a sudden.

In a number of well documented that the Bermuda Triangle is one of two locations in the world who has an anomaly. Other regions are seas of Japan and the Philippines, also known by similar names, 'Formosa Triangle'. (NASA)

Space Picture of Bermuda Triangle - Satellite View by NASA

Bermuda Triangle Satellite View by Google Earth

Bermuda Triangle from Space Satellite

NASA Image of the Bermuda Triangle: Bermuda - Miami, Florida - San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Naked Science - Bermuda Triangle - Documentary by NAT Geo

Naked Science is an American documentary television series that premiered in 2004 on the National Geographic Channel. The program features various subjects related to science and technology.

naked Science, Bermuda Triangle, NAT GEO Channel, Documentary by NAT GEO, Naked Science Documentary, Bermuda Triangle Documentary,

This episode of the Naked Science series explores the legend of the Bermuda Triangle, the mysterious region off the East Coast of the United States that has captured the public imagination with tales of vanishing ships and aircraft.

The Triangle goes by many names, The Vile Vortices or The Devil's Triangle. There are also debates as to its boundaries. But at the centre of the myths and legends are the 450,000 square miles of island strewn ocean between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

Danish scientists claiming the magnetosphere over the Triangle is weakening faster than anywhere else on Earth. Said to be a mysterious vortex claiming lives, ships, and planes at will. Some are never found, others turn up as gravestones on the ocean floor. Among such feared supernatural phenomena as UFOs and alien abduction, the Triangle is a serious contender. This program sets out to unravel its secrets, finding out what lies behind the myth.

2004 Documentary - Naked Science Season 1 - Episode 6 Bermuda Triangle

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ship Survival in the Deadly Water of North Sea - Atlantic Ocean

The North Sea is a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean located between Great Britain, Scandinavia, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. It connects to the ocean through the English Channel in the south and the Norwegian Sea in the north. It is more than 970 kilometers (600 mi) long and 580 kilometers (360 mi) wide, with an area of around 750,000 square kilometers (290,000 sq mi).

The North Sea is a place where the floating deadly water can be so cold.  You’ll die within minutes of falling into it, and where force 10 gales can turn a routine job into a life or death situation. But despite the dangers, thousands of people depend on it for their livelihoods. From coastguards to the so-called "rig pigs", from fishermen to search and rescue teams and ferry workers to marine biologists, these people risk their lives every day as they attempt to earn a living in these dangerous waters.

See how a ship survives in the Deadly water of North Sea’s Water:

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bermuda Triangle North Sea TV Movie 2011 Trailer and Review

BERMUDA TRIANGLE NORTH SEA named in German as BERMUDA DREIECK NORDSEE is an eco-thriller TV movie in German Language. 

It takes the audience into the dramatic world of Global Warming caused by Carbon dioxide emissions; a modern challenge; how to store unwanted carbon dioxide back under the sea or underground, a technique known as carbon capture and storage. Movie is available only in German language with English subtitle.

Watch Trailer

The story pits a major oil company against a Green organization which suspects that data from under-sea exploration has been falsified to help justify the plan for CO2 storage. In the North Sea, incidents happen more and more mysterious. Boats disappear without a trace, wind turbines sink into the sea, sea gulls fall from the sky like stones, thousands of dead fish wash ashore – the North Sea is turning into a murderous trap.
The setting is ideal for this movie as the launch of the project will trigger a release of under-sea gas and a huge cave in off the North Sea coast of Germany. The race against time to save a liner and an island coupled to a romance between the hero and a former PR head of the oil company ensure that the viewer will experience few dull moments. The film underlines how environmental themes and the science and technology behind them can provide an excellent backcloth for thrillers, even if the detail of the setting may sometimes be adapted to enhance the plot.

Title:             Bermuda Triangle North Sea (Bermuda Dreieck Nordsee in German)  

Genre:          Action , Thriller

Category:     TV Movie

Format:         Three hours, HD

Actors:          Hannes Jaenicke, Bettina Zimmermann,

                       Karoline Eichhorn, Josefine Preuss

Directed by: Nick Lyon

Produced by: Stefan Raiser, Felix Zackor,

                       Dreamtool Entertainment GmbH for RTL in association with Beta

Broadcasting: Barbara Thielen, Sascha Mueri, RTL Television

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Bermuda Triangle Book | by Charles Berlitz | pdf free download

You may have heard of it as 'the Hoodoo Sea', 'the Graveyard of the Atlantic' or 'the Devil's Triangle'. But it is most famous as 'the Bermuda Triangle' - an area of the Western Atlantic between Bermuda and Florida where, since 14th century, over 100 ships and planes and 1,000 people have vanished - without a trace. The Bermuda Triangle Book by Charles Berlitz explains and discusses the ships, small boats, and airplanes that have mysteriously vanished in the area offering possible natural and supernatural reasons for the disappearances.

Charles Berlitz, The Bermuda Triangle, Book by, Free pdf download, free pdf, Bermuda triangle Books

The Bermuda Triangle by Charles Berlitz
free pdf book 

Monday, August 5, 2013

The Bermuda Triangle (1978) Hollywood Full Length Movie English HD

The Bermuda Triangle (1978) Hollywood Full Length Movie English HD

The Bermuda Triangle, 1978 Movies, Hollywood Movies, Full Length Movies, English HD, The Bermuda Triangle Movie Full Length

The Bermuda Triangle (Film) is a 1978 thriller movie released on February 10, 1978 starring John Huston and Andrés García. The Movie was directed by René Cardona and Andrés García and filmed in Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
Cast of the Movie: John Huston, Andrés García and Hugo Stiglitz

Watch the Bermuda Triangle Full Movie Online

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Bermuda Triangle Secretes Revealed - Documentary by BBC Channel

“Bermuda Triangle Secrets Revealed” is a video documentary in English by BBC Channel on The Mystery and Secretes of Bermuda Triangle. This documentary made on Apr 18, 1996 and directed by John Wilcox. Review of this documentary is 45 min.

Bermuda Triangle Documentary, bbc channel, documentary by bbc, bermuda triangle secrets reveald,

The scientists on an expedition into the feared depths of the Bermuda Triangle, a region of the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Miami (Florida) and Puerto Rico where a number of aircraft, ships and surface vessels are reported to have mysteriously disappeared.
Laden with sonar’s and satellite surveys, the divers attempt to investigate the Bermuda Triangle from the bottom up, and they make some startling discoveries along the way.

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Movie "Triangle" - Waves of Death

“Triangle” Movie is mind-bending psychological thriller written and directed by Christopher Smith’s. Review: The story of the Movie revolves around the passengers of a yachting trip in the Bermuda Triangle, the area of Atlantic Ocean. When struck by mysterious weather conditions, jump to another ship only to experience greater havoc on the open seas.

Watch and Enjoy the Movie "Triangle"

Bermuda Triangle Map, Area and Location

The Bermuda Triangle Map shows that The Bermuda Triangle is a region located off the South-Eastern coast of United States in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. Map shows The Bermuda Triangle Geographical Area and Location, indicating that the triangle is located and bounded by points in Miami (in Florida, USA), San Juan (in Puerto Rico), and the north-Atlantic island Bermuda.

 The area of the Bermuda triangle is between half million to 1.5 million square miles. Each side of the triangle is some 1000 miles long. The boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle also cover the Straits of Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean islands.

Bermuda Triangle Map

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mystery of Bermuda Triangle in Hindi Language

Mystery of Bermuda Triangle Video in Hindi - Part 1

Mystery of Bermuda Triangle Video in Hindi - Part 2

Mystery of Bermuda Triangle Video in Hindi - Part 3

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Devil's Sea Beyond the Bermuda Triangle

The Devil's Sea Beyond the Bermuda Triangle known as Dragon's Triangle

Beyond the Bermuda Triangle, The Devil's Triangle, The Dragon's Triangle, The Taiwan Triangle,

So many ships met their doom in the sea off the south coast of Japan. Could this stretch of water be the Bermuda Triangle of the Pacific? A man sets out to find a long lost wreck and separate fact from fantasy as to explores The Devil's Sea. It got many names like: The Devil's Sea, The Devil's Triangle, The Dragon's Triangle, and The Taiwan Triangle.

Pure Science Special: The Devil's Sea Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
Documentary by Discovery Channel

The Pacific Bermuda Triangle: UFO Files

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bermuda Triangle and Einstein - Reality or Joke

A friend of mine told me story about Bermuda Triangle and Einstein. I don't know is it real or joke but I am sharing it with all of you. He said,
"Many years ago Einstein did a project on making things disappear. The project was like using the magnetic field repel each other in a big area and then he was so sure he decided to try it on humans rather than animals. So he sent a cruise from Cuba to the Atlantic ocean.

At that time he was in Miami. ( the point where the Bermuda triangle was started from because the magnetic reactions than the other two ) as the ship entered the Bermuda triangle he sent the magnetic rays to Bermuda and then to San Juan and back to Miami  The ship did disappear forever and that place as we all know is called the ''BERMUDA TRIANGLE''."
Can anyone tell me is it the reality or just a joke...! ;-)